Romance is Unmatched

Published on February 20, 2024

stack of books with hearts

By Kara V.

My Aunt Joan introduced me to romance novels. She would buy her latest paperback copy, save her piles of books, and pass them on to me. Because of her, I read one of my favorite romance novels. I read it so much that the cover fell off. I wrote my name on it. A copy of Nora Roberts’ Montana Sky still sits on my bookshelf. She created a lifelong passion (pun intended) for reading a great story with a happy ever after.   

My aunt no longer consumes romance at the fiery pace she used to, but I do! Here’s the thing: I love reading romance novels. They are my jam. I put my feet up, call my poodles over, and open my book. I will try anything. Ice Planet Barbarians? Sure! Shape-shifting badgers? Why not! Demons? Of course! I will admit I base some of my reading on the cover; if it looks outrageous, I have to try it. However, I do have my favorites. These authors grace the pages of my planner with the date of their next release. I wait with bated breath to consume each page with delight. I tell my family to please not speak to me. I will be reading. They bring me joy!   

I know it’s cliched to write about romance novels in February.  I acknowledge that I am doing it anyway because I want them to make you as happy as they make me. Enjoy!   

You will have to wait for your hold behind mine for these spring and summer releases.   

Funny Story by Emily Henry—release date April 23. I read Henry’s books the minute they came out. You can count on a slow-burn romance with real-life issues.  

Lore Olympus Vol 6 by Rachel Smthye—release date May 7. I catch my breath every time I open the cover of this beautifully illustrated graphic novel. The myth of Hades and Persephone is a love story that transcends time.    

The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren—release date May 14. I have read every book this writing duo has written. They are funny, steamy, and bring me so much bliss. I download them the minute I can.   

The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center—release date June 11. I can count on her books to make me laugh and sigh with the romance between her characters. I find all her writing delightful.  

Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood—release date June 11. I was on a plane coming back from a trip and laughed out loud while reading one of her books. She portrays the struggle of women in STEM with humor and grace. Plus, they are steamy.   


New authors added to my planner pages:  

Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez—release date April 2.  

A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston—release date June 2.

Kara sits on an armchair, two poodles in her lap and a book open in her hand.